The school fitness room on the ground floor took a turn for the better during this summer with its new expansion, which included newer equipment and additional space by knocking down the wall left of the fitness room.

The expansion of the new fitness room was one of the many projects that were being done in the ground floor over the summer break. With updated versions of the free weights and the free bar, the new room now includes more room for calisthenics (training without weights) and has incorporated more machines than the old fitness room.
I asked Derick Naraine, 17 if he had any thoughts on this change and he replied, “It probably wasn’t expanded to increase class size, but to increase the quality of the class itself, because many students were complaining it was getting a bit too crowded.” And when asked if he would have signed up for fitness if he knew the remodeling was going to occur, he responded, “Despite being in mixed sports for all of high school, I actually wanted to try out a new gym this year. The fact that the fitness room was renovated, would have made me sign up for fitness this year because I thought the room was just a bit too congested for my liking.”