Technology has been a main foundation for our society, and mainly we see technology affecting us students the most. There are some seniors that have shared their perspective from being impacted from technology in 2023 post Covid-19.

Students and Technology
Technology has made a lot of students spend time on their devices. Araf Bhuyian, a senior at Edison has engaged with technology and is very interested in the phone aspect of technology, and this student like many other students had something to say about the screen time he spends on his phone.
“I have been spending like an hour or 30 minutes on my phone,”Araf Bhuyian said.
In addition, he also spends time on apps that most students use.
“What I do most of the time on my phone is I scroll through Insta and watch YouTube,” Araf Bhuyian said.
Technology And Covid-19
Many students have been impacted by Covid-19 and it made them feel different ways of the world. Jawad Alamgir, a senior at Edison had to say something about how he’s been impacted by technology in Covid-19.
“It made me feel disconnected from reality more than before and it has made me realize how important technology has become and will become,” Jawad Alamgir said.
This shows that this student post Covid-19 really has changed his perception on the world of technology.
”It does make me more interested in the technology aspect when choosing a career,” Jawad Alamgir said.
In Person VS Digital Socialization
Now to get a perspective from Maheshwar Ramanand a senior in Edison mainly uses technology to socialize to people since the years of Covid-19 he collectively responded
“After Covid-19 technology has made me socialize with people because of having more online conversations,” Maheshwar Ramanand said.
For this reason it shows how new Social Media Development happened for online conversations to be enhanced within humans talking in the digital world.
“In my opinion, having conversations online is easier than having conversations in person,” Maheshwar Ramanand said. This shows that many students prefer talking to their friends digitally rather than in person.
This really showed how Covid-19 changed a students socialization with technology and in the real world.
Technology really impacted students especially after Covid-19, and it really made these students understand the importance of Technology’s relevance, and we can see that many students have definitely changed and have been impacted by technology over the years after Covid-19.