Parkour is a discipline in which a person may use his or her body to maneuver obstacles to reach a destination in the fastest time. Many, who want to learn parkour, are torn between the risks involved. However, what many don’t realize is with the right preparation, parkour has zero risks in injury or failure!
Another variant of parkour is called free running. Free running is the same thing; however self-expression is incorporated such as flips or tricks. Parkour is usually done around the spring/summer time. It may be very hazardous to do such movements during the winter time for the cold may mess with your body.
Two times Ninja Warrior contestant Jeremy Gallant defines parkour as, “I think the best way to define it in my words has to stray from a textbook variation. I always like to attribute parkour and free running to having the same properties that align and differ between a square and a rectangle. I say, “A square is always a rectangle, but a rectangle is not always a square.” This means though parkour has an element of self-expression (we all choose our own paths) ultimately it is a practice of efficiency. No move is unnecessary and no energy is squandered.”