The Museum of Feelings is now nothing but a memory, but what we felt was real. Even though the museum was nothing more than sales pitch by Glade in order to get you to buy their candles, we can’t escape the fact that we were sucked in and seduced by its mysteriousness and by the thought of creating our very own #moodlens, that reflected our own emotions in vivid color. In case you didn’t wait on line for 4 hours, like I did, here is what you missed.

The Museum located within the Brookfield Place, a plaza located at the very cusp of Lower Manhattan on Vesey street and was housed in a small building with shifted colored lights to display the mood of New York City in real time, taking cues from social media updates, the news and the weather.
Within the museum there are several rooms each expressing a different emotion. The first room is Optimistic, a curtained off pink room with many corners that assault the viewer with flashbacks to the Hotline Bling music video. In the center of the room is a podium that reflects light in the form of triangles on the wall and in the background you can hear the sound of chimes and harps. The room smells fresh and green.
The next room is Joyful, we get 3D glasses in this room and the room is fragranced with Glade’s Balsam and Fir. The room has beams of green light hanging from the ceiling that you can push to the side.

After Joyful comes Invigorated, full of blue light and music. Following Invigorated is Exhilarated, a room like a kaleidoscope. In the center of the room are iPads that can be used to trace images across the ceiling. This room is scented “Blooming Peony and Cherry”
The very last room is Calm, scented “Lavender and Lime”, a light room shrouded in fog, exiting the museum you can go out to take your moodlens selfies, filtered to reflect your very emotions before you.
Even though the Museum of Feelings exhibition has ended the website still stands, and if you are interested you can go there right now at and create your very own.