Last month, H&M was under fire due to an ad for one of their campaigns that featured a young black boy wearing a sweater that said “Coolest Monkey In The Jungle.” It sparked a debate on social media and many people were outraged due to its racist nature and the comparison it provoked between black people and monkeys.
However, H&M isn’t the first brand to have violated their ethical code. Other clothing brands such as Abercrombie and Fitch, Urban Outfitters, and Zara have also been at fault for discriminatory actions whether it was towards women, minorities or insensitive events. This poses a new question as to whether or not we should continue to support these brands among many others and if we do, how should we hold them accountable for their actions?
Personally, my opinion on this topic is we as a society have to come together to establish a set of principles as to what is acceptable and what is not in our country. Too often are these instances occurring and many of these violations are as clear as day and could’ve easily been pointed out.
While I’m not saying that all companies deliberately violate the ethical code, it becomes redundant having to constantly fight for equality in terms of fashion. It’s inevitable that these companies are not only hurting their brand, but also steering away both loyal customers as well as new ones. Though I feel like there are more important issues other there than this one, this has to be addressed and it’s time for companies to be more accepting of people regardless of race, age, gender, or weight.