Traveling with COVID can often be an inconvenience due to the fact that there are plenty of dirty surfaces and people need to constantly sanitize their hands and belongings after doing or touching anything.
There are certain safety measures that can be taken in order to stay safe while traveling, especially on public transportation. A few safety measures that can be taken include keeping a mask on above your nose and below your chin, sanitizing your hands, and sanitizing a surface before touching it.
It’s also important to try to maintain social distancing as best as possible when traveling. These precautions and measures not only apply when traveling by plane, but also when taking public transportation.
Due to the fact that it may be difficult for people to avoid traveling on public transportation, especially living in a place like New York, it is important that we take precautions to keep ourselves and those around us safe.
It is especially important to stay safe during these times when living with an individual who may be more at risk than yourself, such as an elderly person or a child.
For some people, taking public transportation everyday might be inevitable and it may also be difficult to maintain social distance from others, which is why it is important to wear a proper mask and to sanitize your hands.
While there are many people that follow these rules and safety precautions, there is a large percentage of people who do not, which can cause others to feel uncomfortable. High school student Graysen Ross-Graham has stated that being on public transportation with those that don’t wear a mask properly often makes her feel unsafe and uncomfortable.
There are other safety precautions and rules that can also be followed such as not touching your eyes, nose, or mouth while you’re on public transportation or traveling in general and also washing your hands after arriving at your destination. Due to the fact that one could catch the virus by touching their eyes, nose, and mouth, while having dirty hands, it’s important that they try to refrain from doing so while out.
It’s best to avoid touching surfaces outdoors unless you really need to. For example, touching the poles on a bus when you’re unable to obtain a seat. If touching a surface is inevitable, you should sanitize the surface before touching it and sanitize your hands after touching it. A solution to this would be using gloves when traveling on public transportation and having to touch surfaces. Disposable latex gloves are not only cheap, but can also be helpful when you need to go on buses, trains, planes, and other modes of public transportation.
Items such as masks, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, gloves, and other things that would be beneficial to use during this time can be purchased both online and in most stores. Places such as schools also provide masks for students that have broken or misplaced their own.
These items are easily accessible and are very beneficial to use as it can keep you and those around you safe and healthy during this time.