Have you been in the market for a new computer? For whatever the reason, looking for a computer often ends up with people scrolling down the websites of companies like HP. While these pre-built computers they sell can do the job, what if I told you there was a cheaper alternative to get the same performance?
Many system providers utilize parts that can be found separately, with slight alterations from their retail counterparts. A lot of the time you end up being able to part out computers, comparable to pre-builts, for a much cheaper final cost. Having that computer already built for you comes with assembly costs, something that you can completely get around by building computers yourself. Comparing an HP OMEN 880-150t with an 8th generation intel core i5 processor, 8 gigabytes of RAM, and 1 terabyte of hard disk drive space to a similarly specced custom build, with parts off of Newegg, saves us almost $270 ($264.07 to be exact).
At a glance, a table full of computer components is a rather intimidating sight, but once you get a grip on the basic steps it really is just like an adult lego set.
The more intimidating aspect is understanding what components work, and for this I recommend the utilization of PC Part Picker, a resource where you can part out your build and it gives you notices on compatibility. Components for a basic system are as follows: a motherboard, one of the most critical components as it is the backbone of your computer that everything connects to, the CPU, the brain of the PC, RAM, a form of temporary memory that is essential, a power supply, and a case to put everything in, assuming your CPU has built-in graphics.
When it comes to modern PC design the only tool you really need is a phillips head screwdriver. Your motherboard’s manual is another resource that will make your life so much easier.
To begin, safety is the number one priority, not only for the builder, but for the parts he or she is building with. Our bodies produce static electricity, that’s why we always end up shocking one-another after going across carpet, but a simple zap for you means certain death for computer components. The way to fix this is to discharge the static electricity in your body elsewhere, preferably a large body of metal, simply grabbing onto the inside of your case from time to time does the trick.