Isn’t it crazy how prom is only just in a few days? This once-in-a-lifetime event has people with a wide range of emotions. Though this may be an exciting event for most, the planning process leading up to prom can also be very stressful. I’ve decided to interview the head of the prom committee Ms. Inderjeit and one of our students who are attending prom for more insight.
After discussing endless details, the theme that the prom committee has chosen is Night Under the Stars. Since a lot of other senior events take place in June, trying to plan it all has put Ms. Inderjeit under a lot of pressure.
“This is my first year here at Edison, along with my first year taking part in the senior activities. I’ve been trying my best to cater to the seniors and make sure everything is worthwhile. It’s definitely been stressful, but it is worth it (hopefully) in the end,” Ms. Inderjeit said.
Many students are really looking forward to the experience of prom, especially this being the first prom since 2019 due to the pandemic.
“Just being able to attend prom feels like a milestone, as it allows us to celebrate the milestone of graduating, together. I hope, for our first prom, students attend with excitement and are able to see all of the hard work, dedication, and love that went into the planning,” Ms. Inderjeit said.
The student that I interviewed was Jessica De Ocampo. “I’m excited to just be in the atmosphere of the whole event to see the dresses and suits. Just being able to see my friends just enjoy ourselves after our grueling years in high school. Taking in the night and just letting go, making memories with everyone. Prom feels like a night to remember, like an episode you’d rewatch over and over again,” De Ocampo said.
Preparing for prom has been exciting yet stressful for Jessica. “I did go through complete hell trying to find the right dress. Having a budget and a picky taste doesn’t make finding a dress any easier. Going through five different stores only to find one a month later. Despite all my initial plans for my dress, the final results were completely different. But at the end of the day, it fits me perfectly, quite literally. Finally running for prom court became on my agenda. It’s all under process, so here’s to hoping I get through,” De Ocampo said.
With the prom planning process coming to an end, I really hope everyone who’s helped prepare for this event will have a weight lifted off their shoulders. I hope that their hard work and effort for this big event will be appreciated by those attending prom. I’m excited to hear about how prom will go for the students and see what is in store for them.