“Dead to Me” Season 2 has recently aired on Netflix and has continued to be in the “Top 10 in the U.S Today.” On May 29th 2020, it was #5 on Netflix. Based on these numbers, it is shown that this season was a hit. But is it better than season 1 or has it downgraded itself?

“Dead to Me” is a series that tells the story of a widow (Jen) whose husband recently died in a hit and run and how determined she is to solve the crime. Season 1 ends with her drowning her “best friend” Judy’s fiance because she solves the puzzle of the crime. Season 2 is a continuation as they go through phases of grief, loss, and forgiveness.
Season 2 may not be everyone’s cup of tea or favorite part of the overall show at all. Season 2 focuses more on rekindling the energy between a friendship and making amends. Not many like when such a suspenseful and dramatic show turns into a friendly one. The ending may not be everyone’s cup of tea as it is a calm ending and leads to the end of it all.
After watching Season 2, which hasn’t lived up to my expectations, my favorite season has to be Season 1 as it had more suspense, emotions and drama within it. Season 2 lacked a lot of suspense. The ending, however, left me speechless; it was an unexpected twist.
Overall, I feel “Dead to Me” is worth being on the top even though it lacked some suspense.