With the arrival of spring, Edison is buzzing with excitement, especially with the addition of new sports, like badminton, to the lineup.
Varsity Soccer and Softball player, Stephanie Rampersaud, shares her excitement and expectations for this spring season.
Caption: Spring season’s Tennis team. Credit: sr_photz
“This spring I am participating in Softball. I’ve been playing since sophomore year, and it’s my favorite sport. During the fall I played soccer. I would practice a lot more this sports season, be patient with myself, and enjoy the small moments as I graduate in a few months. What I enjoyed most about being part of a sports team at Edison were the friends I made, the lessons I learned, and the coaches who encouraged me to be my best self. Last season, a challenge I faced was an immense amount of self-doubt about myself as a player. I was a starter on the field, which was an amazing thing for me, but I felt so much pressure on myself that all eyes were on me. I overcame this challenge by being patient with myself, practicing consistently, and becoming more aware of what was happening on the field,” Rampersaud said. “I am looking forward to experiencing games with the new girls on my teams and playing with schools that we have never gone against before. I have gained a new viewpoint on playing and I am excited to play and be with my team with this changed attitude and perspective towards playing.”
Rampersaud’s expectations and goals for this spring season reflect many other student-athletes who can’t wait to play, challenge themself, and learn. Upcoming girls varsity Badminton team coach, Gina Sabella, shares her thoughts and expectations as a new coach at Edison.
“I coached girls and boys varsity volleyball for two years at a high school in the Bronx. Now at Edison, I am trying to get to know the school, the community, and the people. I have always loved badminton and racket sports. I played pickleball all the time. When they were looking for a coach, I figured it would be good for me. Having a P.E. background, I know a lot about strategy and mind over matter kind of mental toughness in sports. I give my captains a lot of voice in the teams because they could speak to their teammates at a level sometimes I can’t reach. I am nervous because I will be figuring out all the details for the first time and setting it up for next year so it’s easier next year. I am also not going to be too hard on myself because I know it’s a new sport,” Sabella said. “I am excited about seeing the potential and progress of all the girls. I am sure a lot of them have played recreationally, so I am excited to see how far they improve by the end of the season. I am skeptical about how are going to have games. Because the gym is a situation at the moment. Me and Volleyball are trying to share the gym. So just finding practice time is something I am skeptical about. I expect all my athletes to be loyal and dedicated. I am only taking 15 girls and I have around 35 girls interested. So I expect the girls that I do take to be the ones that want to come to practice every day and put effort because it’s not fair to somebody who would come to practice every day. I expect teamwork and uplifting comments and feedback.”
Sabella’s interview as a new coach in Badminton shows the struggle, planning, and expectations for this spring season. The athletic director, Michael Sanseverino, shares his planning and expectations for the spring sports season.
“This spring season we have cricket for the 4th year, volleyball, outdoor track for boys and girls, and it’s the inaugural season for Badminton. First and foremost, you always listen to the student. We surveyed the students about which sports they would be interested in, and badminton, overwhelmingly was it. It’s girls Badminton now and we will have boys Badminton in the fall. We are changing a lot of things, there’s a lot of structural changes we have to deal with. We want to encourage academic success in the class because we do think it translates to the court. This is the kind of value we would like to implement in the system,” Sanseverino said. “My expectation is for students to come, work hard, and compete. These athletic experiences you take with you are for a lifetime.” This showcases the planning and organizations that go behind the scenes for each sport that will be offered this spring season.
“I expect fun this season,” Sabella said. This spring sports season at Edison comes with hopes and excitement for the student-athletes, coaches, and athletic director.