Ever heard of the WNBA? Many people may not be familiar with the term, but may associate it with the NBA. One team is the Women’s National Basketball Association which seems to be less recognized than the Men’s National Basketball Association.
This societal norm seems to have been seen in Thomas Edison High School as the boy’s basketball team is more known than the girl’s basketball team. With a score of 3-1, the girls have made it without much support from the Edison community.
“When I transferred to Edison on March of 2022 I had a classmate that was on the basketball team and then a few days later I met Mr. O in the guidance, office in which he told me about being the coach for the girls basketball team,” said Nikolle Vizcaya.
“I’ve played basketball since I was in 5th grade, in middle school it was on and off but as I grew up the more love I had for basketball and I just want to continue to play. So, ever since I transferred here I was already looking for the girls basketball team so I could tryout and see if I got in,” said Vizcaya.
Photo Credit: Nicholas Tribaldos
The boy’s basketball team seems to be more well known throughout school as they have been more supported. The girls team though still winning games haven’t been shown the support they so deserve.
“Honestly not really. The only support we had was for Homecoming, it was I think our first home game and well it was homecoming so a lot of support was given, but throughout the season we haven’t seen that again except for close friends, the cheer team who has cheered at our game, and some ‘good lucks’,” said Vizcaya.
The boys team gets more recognition as they have been announced on the Edison speakers and shown much support from the Edison community by cheering them on.
“Obviously, right now the boy’s basketball team has more recognition than the girl’s due to their stats and I guess the excitement of how they play on the court. The girls basketball team right now doesn’t have a good stat so we’re obviously expected to lose every game we have leading to people not wanting to come watch/support our games because of it,” said Vizcaya.
With their current score, the girl’s basketball team needs to be shown more recognition and support. With more support this leads to more motivation for the girl’s to perform even better. There are many ways for the Edison community to support their teams.
“Honestly just the same way that it’s done for other teams and the boy’s basketball team. Come, watch, and support our games the same way regardless of the outcome. Obviously, that might not apply to everyone because not everyone might be willing to do that, but just like our close friends and family are cheering for us I think the rest of Thomas Edison could as well just like it was done at homecoming,” said Vizcaya.
Photo Credit: Nicholas Tribaldos