Remember the old DVDs in your drawer, the old computer in your closet, or the old phones and phone chargers you abandoned since you upgraded to a smartphone? Whether it may be a flip phone or tablet, recycling old electronics may cost extra to dispose of properly. Every year, thousands of electronics end up in landfills. There are several ways you can dispose of these devices free of cost, and even make money!
Best Buy allows you to drop off electronics that serve no use to you anymore. They will properly dispose of these devices free of cost, all you need to do is drop the items off.
Phone carriers such as Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile USA and AT&T have

launched a service where you can give in old cellphones in their trade-in program. In return, you receive credit that you can put towards a new smartphone. The older devices will be given to other countries internationally.
The Amazon trade-in program gives you the opportunity to receive Amazon giftcards in return for your old gadgets. Once you visit, you can review the list of items that are acceptable. Items that can be sent include PlayStation controllers, video games, and some non-tech things as well. Then, all you need to do it package your items wit
Although old electronics may be stored because people do not have time to take the extra measure to dispose of them, some people keep them for different reasons.
Vishall Samlall said, “For memory sake, I keep them because usually I’m lazy to dispose of them and mainly because you won’t get those old things again. Keeping old things is a way of remembering the old days.”