Caption: TXT entrance Photo credit: Paola Diaz
TOMORROW X TOGETHER (TXT for short) have once again brought their fans from all over the world together at the Madison Square Garden venue in New York City, for a night of thrill, excitement and memories. A performance nothing short of mesmerizing and stunning, from their choreography to their music, each moment was full of captivating visuals and vocals.
From the moment the lights dimmed, and the five members rose up the stage, the night was set for success. A venue completely filled with MOAs (TXT fandom) arose with them cheering, screaming, and waving their lightsticks. The first songs to set the stage this year were “Deja Vu” followed by “9 and Three Quarters (Run Away).” An electrifying wave of energy bursted around the venue as each MOA shouted the lyrics of the songs.
Photo credit: Paola Diaz
Flashing lights, enormous stage screens, and five stunning men hypnotized the audience as screams amplified the excitement they felt as the group introduced themselves. Each member started their speeches with words of gratitude and excitement for the night, and to that MOAs responded with barking- a traditional cheering method MOAs do for TXT. The members show their appreciation for their NYC MOAs by singing a part of “Empire State of Mind,” by JAY-Z and Alicia Keys, as well as a part of “We Will Rock You,” by Queen; followed by a chant that TXT made just for NYC MOAs.
MOAs did not disappoint when it came to showing their love and passion for TXT. The fans coordinated their outfits with white and blue colors, they camped outside the venue, completely filling the venue, and forming lines for the merchandise section. Not to mention, the amount of screaming and shouting was enough to hurt your ears, and leave your throat sore or voiceless post- concert. They replied to every TXT and MOA engagement with endearment and anticipation for more, showing the deep heartfelt connection between TXT and MOAs.
Photo credit: Paola Diaz
After three hours of performing, it was time to say good-bye, at least until their next tour. Madison Square Garden will forever hold the memories made from unforgettable performances and emotional connections MOAs made with each other and with TXT. TXT descended from the stage after singing their iconic song “Cat and Dog” and left the stage heading to the Send-Off event but only exclusive to MOAs with VIP tickets. The venue’s light turned on, exposing all the MOAs who were left to leave for the night, some waiting for day two of their NYC concert, others waiting until TXT returns in another tour.