Edison Seniors are left disappointed and uninterested after eagerly waiting for the Senior Trip location to be revealed. Ranging from the whopping $320 payment to the trip’s location, Seniors aren’t eager to sign up for the overnight trip to Villa Roma Resort. It is rumored that the Villa Roma Trip is headed for cancellation.
Villa Roma Resort is a vacation spot in the Catskills Mountains based in Callicoon, NY. With many activities like Indoor Pooling, an inclusive Game Room, a Fitness Center, and much more, so why would Edison Seniors pass up an opportunity to experience Villa Roma?
Coincidentally enough, Edison Senior Fayja Safa isn’t too enthusiastic about experiencing the delights Villa Roma has to offer.
“When my friends and I looked up the resort, it didn’t look very exciting, it wasn’t what I imagined it to be,” Fayja said. “There are other exciting things for Seniors that would be worth more investing in.”
Just like Fayja, many Seniors expected the senior trip to be more up their alley, and more importantly up their budget range. The $320 payment accommodates a 1-night Hotel capacity by roundtrip bus transportation, buffet-style meals, and an eventful daytime activity schedule. It seems that Villa Roma may be worth your buck!
Alexander Serrao, an Edison Senior says otherwise. Alex highly doubts he will be attending the trip due to the high cost of an apparent overnight trip that even costs more than the $300 payment for Senior Dues.
“I’m not going on the Senior Trip because it costs too much money,” Said Alex. “The Senior Trip is WAY too expensive for one night, and most parents don’t have the money to pay.”
Not only that, but the popularity of the Villa Roma Resort Trip has drastically decreased after the date was revealed to be April 11th-12th, 2024. Coincidentally enough, the Senior Trip falls right under the Islamic holiday of Eid-Al Fitr. After a month of fasting, Muslims celebrate the end of Ramadan by praying and exchanging gifts. More importantly, Muslims make up a big community in the class of 2024.
Edison Senior, Lilian Gonzalez sympathizes with her friends who practice Islam and questions the impractical date for the trip.
“I definitely find it inappropriate and a bit disrespectful to Islamic followers,” said Lilian. “The senior trip should have been scheduled during a different time.”
Villa Roma Resort may be the getaway destination you’ve been looking for, however, that’s not the case for Edison’s Senior Class of 2024.
After the lack of agreement on the pricing, location, and date for the Senior Trip, will it get canceled?