Nowadays, everything that we have and that we do is all digital. From streaming videos and keeping medical records, everything is essentially online. Hardly do we record things on paper anymore.
One of the most revolutionizing advancements in the technological world was the beginning of streaming episodes and videos. Because of this, us human beings are now able to watch our favorite shows, whether it be Saturday Night Live or the NFL Network, anywhere we go with ease and convenience. All you need is an electronic device and an internet network connection in order to begin watching and be entertained.
Netflix was one of the earliest companies to venture into the business of video streaming and it is one of the most successful ever to be established. However, Netflix has reached some sort of a financial slump. One individual in particular has ideas regarding how Netflix should be changed for the better.
After John Skipper has been fired from his job of being ESPN’s president, he has decided to become a rival against his former employer by attempting to “build the Netflix of Sports.” With this, Skipper has decided to introduce live sports, like the NFL Super bowl game, to Netflix. He believes that it will help to jumpstart Netflix once again and make it the best it has been in a long time. However, with all of theses hopes and plans for the future, it will dearly cost us, the consumers, a lot of money out of our pockets. Is this actually going to be in the best interest of Netflix or for the consumers? After all, a company has to make money one way or another by providing services to the consumers.
Many long time users of Netflix have many thoughts as well as concerns about the radical change that is soon to come to Netflix. Keyon Mero, who is a Netflix user himself and a huge sports fan, is super excited and can’t wait for the introduction of live sports to come. Mero believes that “Netflix’s future will turn for the better with this amazing improvement.” However, even though this seems like all good news and so, Mero thinks that “the consumers would now have to pay much higher prices in order to receive this extra service.”
Kevin Tsang, who is a Netflix user as well, but is not a sports fan, believes that “this change will not help to improve Netflix’s current situation at all.” The sole reason why he thinks this way is that he “sees this idea of sports only being able to appeal to a very small group of people.” Tsang said that “if people have to pay more for Netflix just because it has an extra service that many people aren’t going to use, then what is the point of wasting my money here when I can spend less at another streaming company, like Hulu.” Some people will boycott Netflix all together, which will result in Netflix losing profit and becoming even worse than it is right now.
This change that is coming to Netflix is ideal (after analyzing the modern times that we are currently in), but we all have to keep in mind that it will be us the consumers that will be paying a little extra each month. Will it all be worth it in the end? Will both the company and the consumers both benefit from this?