Everyone knows how expensive college can be. Unless you’re flush with cash, the act of applying for scholarships is most likely to become your best friend during your college application process.
There’s no need to worry if you weren’t the smartest student, the greatest athlete, or the most talented. There are several scholarships that reward the weird, quirky characteristics or habits you have.
Even if you aren’t applying to colleges yet, it’s important to keep your knowledge of worthy scholarships, regardless if they’re a little unusual, up to date. Here are some of the weirdest scholarships you can apply for in 2019!
Shower Songs Scholarship
In an effort to reduce the amount of water wasted during showers DoSomething.org gives away $2000 to a lucky student who can create a 5-minute playlist, share it with friends so they can track the time and in the end take a shorter shower to conserve water.
Deadline: February 28, 2019
Unigo Flavor of the Month Scholarship 2018
This scholarship rewards students up to $1,500 for being able to describe themselves as an ice-cream flavor with an explanation as to why in a 250-word essay.
Deadline: July 31, 2019
Make Me Laugh Scholarship
In 250 words or less, describing your most funny or embarrassing event that has happened or could happen in life has the chance to win you $1,500. Your only goal is to make sure the person who receives your entry laughs their head off.
Deadline: August 31, 2019
Sweet and Simple Scholarship
Write about a simple gift you’ve received that has had a big impact on your life to be eligible for $1,500. Write about why this gift means so much to you.
Deadline: February 28, 2019
Unigo Fifth Month Scholarship
In an online response of 250 words or less write about why the number five is important. Your response can be lighthearted, funny, or serious. One person has to chance to win $1,500.
Deadline: May 31, 2019
Superpower Scholarship
Submit an online response of which superhero or villain you’d want to trade places with for a day and why and increase your possibility to win $2,500 for college.
Deadline: March 31, 2019
Mr.Omeokwe, our college advisor here at Edison, shared his thoughts on weird usual scholarships and whether they are worth being pursued.
“There are a lot of unusual scholarships that are, for example, based off a student’s height or let’s say eye color, hair color…um you know, being ambidextrous, being left-handed and right-handed. Those scholarships may not offer a lot of money, but for a student it is; being very strategic, and trying to maximize the resources that are available to them… then those scholarships can add up.”
Definitely keep an eye out for more usual scholarships that pop up as you can keep applying for as many scholarships you desire year long.