You and your significant other want to meet up and spend time together, but neither of you has much cash, so you guys buy two $2 pizzas and watch a movie at your house. This is called a five dollar date. Five dollar dates have been a prominent with young couples in America. It’s an inexpensive rendezvous with two people trying to have a good time, the cost of the date is usually five dollars or less, hence the name.
So, why would anyone go on a five dollar date? People tend to go on five dollar dates for several reasons. For instance, they probably don’t have the money to go out to eat so they get something cheap.
Adam Heavey, history teacher at Thomas Edison High School, told me his experience with a five dollar date, “My wife and I, used to get frosties from Wendy’s and share chicken nuggets.” This is a prime example of two college kids optimizing their money while spending time for each other. This is also a good way to know your partner’s true intentions with you. “To keep it simple, this really shows if a girl cares about you or materialistic things in life, said Heavey.

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On the contrary some people don’t consider a five dollar date a true date. Moses Ojeda, principal of Thomas Edison high school, believes that adding a price tag to a date is demeaning. “Why put a dollar figure to a date, it’s disrespectful. Dating is getting to know someone; the objective of getting food with limited to spend is more like an activity,” said Mr. Ojeda.
Five dollar dates are a fun, and sometimes necessary, practice in American teen culture. People go on these dates to spend time with somebody they love while saving money. Also these dates can tell you a lot about your partner’s character, whether on not they’re materialistic. Five dollar dates are important because majority of the population has been on one whether they know it or not.