The movie “Spiderman – Far From Home” is about a boy named Peter Parker whose relaxing European vacation takes an unexpected turn when Nick Fury shows up in his hotel room to recruit him for a mission. The world is in danger as four massive elemental creatures — each representing Earth, air, water and fire — emerge from a hole torn in the universe. Parker soon finds himself donning the Spider-Man suit to help Fury and fellow superhero, Mysterio, stop the evil entities from wreaking havoc across the continent.
Personally I believe that this movie was really needed after the “Avengers Endgame.” The ending of that movie was so extremely upsetting with the death of Tony Stark. This Spiderman movie was a fun loving happy movie with Tom Holland. He was trying to have a good vacation, but encountered fake monsters controlled by drones and a hologram. Tony handed down “Edith” to Spiderman and showed how much trust Stark had in him.
It had a little comedy romance with Zendaya and Tom, which was a really nice touch to the movie. Also, I found it surprising when “Mysterio” actually turned out to be the bad guy. Ironically, he wanted to be seen as the good guy by being bad.